Inflation free vacations

Everyone is anxious about rising inflation, but you don't need to be as far as your holidays are concerned. All of our packages are inflation-free, so you can enjoy your free time for the same price as long as you remain a member of our company for 5, 10, or 25 years.

Minimal Annual Maintenance Charges

Different companies offer their customers low price holidays but end up adding a high range of various high annual charges or annual subscription fee and taxes but all the membership plans on wonders holiday and resorts include all the costs and you need to spend minimal annual maintenance charges till you are a member of the company.

Stress-Free Holiday Booking

Nobody wants to have any trouble during their holidays. Therefore we help you to know the peak and mid-peak seasons of the destiny you want to go. It will help you to make bookings according to your comfort.

Simplified Membership

All the subscription plans that you will be getting are straight forward and gives you a lot of benefits. These plans are created in a way that you will have a vacation experience that meets all your needs. Select the plan that is best suitable for you. Once you select the plan, begin exploring with us.

Surety of Special Day Celebration

Which person does not like to have surprises on their special days? Give your special ones the best surprise by connecting with us. We at Wonders holiday and resorts help you get assured surprise holidays for your special ones on their special occasions till your membership expires.

No Exchange Fee

Member can access any of our associated resorts without paying any exchange fee till you are a member of the company.

Holiday and Travel Insurance

No trouble will knock before coming. So, even if you are on your holiday you must have a safer backup plan. We at Wonders Holiday And Resorts offer you the best-traveling insurance policies. Taking up our traveling policy could save you from any extra costs like medical emergencies, luggage loss, etc. You can always claim it when you are traveling.

Tied up with Jungle Lodge and Resorts (Govt. of Karnataka undertaking)